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Financial law

We have a specialized area in Financial Law that can attend to any type of query in relation to:

Regulatory Compliance 


  • Evaluation and implementation of regulatory compliance of companies according to the line of business. 

  • Preparation of guidelines, processes and internal policies for due regulatory compliance. 

  • Study and opinion on the application of current regulations and draft regulations. 



  • Regularization and compliance with regulations regarding PLD/FT.

  • Preparation and Implementation of PLD/FT Manuals. 

  • Monitoring of compliance with reports before the CNBV. 

  • Advice on Internal Structures for compliance with PLD/FT and advice on compliance by the Communication and Control Committee and the Compliance Officer. 

  • Preparation of Minutes of the Communication and Control Committee. 

  • Advice on the functionalities of the Automated System (adjusted to EBR). 

  • Training in PLD/FT matters within the Organization. 

  • PLD/FT audits to review the level of compliance, signed by a Certified Auditor.


Financial law


  • Resolution of queries about the activities and obligations of any type of Financial Entity. 

  • Implementation of projects in the field of electronic banking and digital payments.

  • Implementation of new technology projects related to Fintech regulation. 

  • Regulatory compliance with financial authorities.

  • Adhesion contracts for the commercialization of financial products and services. 

  • Regularization of the Entities in the face of possible non-compliance with reports before the different CONDUSEF portals. 

  • Audits and regulatory regularization and procedures focused on Financial Entities. 

  • Compliance of the Entity before SHCP, BANXICO, CNBV, CONDUSEF, UIF. 

  • Answer of Trades.

Vulnerable Activities 


  • Registration process and registration with the SAT, portal of the FIU. 

  • Internal Policies and Procedures Manuals for PLD/FT applicable to the Vulnerable Activity in question. 

  • Policies for the identification of its clients and users (creation of identification files, transactional monitoring). 

  • Presentation of notices and reports to the FIU. 

  • Presentation of 24-hour notices when a Client or User is within the lists issued by national authorities, as well as international organizations or authorities of other countries. 

  • Advice on Internal Structures for compliance with PLD/FT, appointment of an official in charge.


Financial Advice 


  • Development and elaboration of financial models.

  • Design of financial formulas, based on the business line of the entity.

  • Preparation of financial projections that allow decision making to the administration.

  • Development of financial valuation models for assets, intangible assets, shares, among others.

  • Analysis of financial reasonableness.

  • Determination of target or market interest rates.

  • Design of derivative financial instruments.

  • Development and determination of financial equilibrium models.

  • Implementation of financial ratios for effective administration.

  • Bankruptcy prediction models.

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